At Rainstorm Solutions we are adamant about the importance of pre-filtering the water as it exits your impervious services and before it enters the containment tank. this provides a healthy environment in the tank and allows for a low maintenance system and all the down line usage’s to run more efficiently. Rainstorm Solutions provides the WISY filters that are the very best in the rainwater harvesting industry.
The three filters below are installed vertically inline with the downspouts. These filters provide a first flush feature and allow for the overflow water to be diverted to an designated area.
Garden: 1,000 sq.ft. |
Downspout: 1,600 sq.ft. |
Stand Pipe: 2,000 sq.ft. |
These high capacity Vortex filters are used in instillations where multiple conveyances are manifolded together to a single inlet pipe. These German designed filters are very low maintenance. They have a single bottomless stainless steel filter that filters to 280 microns. They are the best pre-filters in the rainwater harvesting industry.
WFF 100: 2,000 sq.ft. |
WFF 150: 5,500 sq.ft. |
WFF 300: 33,000 sq.ft. |